Feeling Friday

 Game of Thrones
Orphan Black
Japan Crate
OH yeah and Supernatural

It’s Friday and I’m going to try to be better at this whole blogging stuff. Plus it’s a handy little digital post it. Here’s how the week turned out in terms of tv pop culture. (Basically only the things I am interested in)
So if you follow my twitter account (which I’m really random in my comments so don’t) you’ve seen my posting on Game of Thrones, Elementary and my love: Orphan Black.  Tonight will be more random thoughts that should be kept inside my head for Grimm.  

Game Of Thrones : The night is full of “oh yeah they did that”.
Here’s how it played out. Game of Thrones had a mediocre new start which was to be expected. It’s the teaser for the season.  It would have been lovely if they had cut all the crap out about what came before and gave us a proper first episode. I digress because I’m picky and who knows how long my rant would be.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Corvus_corax_clarionensis_perched_frontal.jpg Up North where things are cold and sometimes dead.
 We have now seen that Jon Snow’s body is cold and lifeless. Ghost is not happy and will not leave his side.
Davos is looking to be quite the rational leader. I’m willing to follow him. Give him a shot to lead.  Hopefully he doesn’t die a horrible death. I’ve given up hope that people I like will continue living so at this point just let them lead us into a better position. Plus he can read now.
The Men of the Watch:
 I’ve been going back and forth with my fellow watchers and I am of the position that I can’t wait for certain brothers of the Watch to bite it in a big way. Where people differ is about the boy! I think he needs to go as well. There is nothing he can do at this point that will allow me to think he doesn’t deserve it. Sure he watched his entire community die. Fine that’s traumatic for a child. He has every right to be pissed off. That being said he dies. He needs to die. If he is allowed to become an adult well he would be even worse. It would be nice if Ghost ate him or maybe a wildling got to him. A few friends believe there should be some form of compassion but this is Westeros compassion is not in their vocabulary.
Our continued adventure with Theon and Sansa:
                Meh it’s ok they meet up with Brienne & Podrick. Oh Podrick what do the ladies say. Wait that’s not what this about. So they are saved and now our merry band has become a foursome. That’s pretty much the end of that.
Our sociopath of the north Ramsay.
                Oh sweet sociopath. You give the order to feed the dogs with the meat of the one person who probably truly loved you. Oh well it is nuts.
Oh yeah I nearly forgot. The red woman and one of her secretes. A secret of time past. Well she’s old. She’s a crone. Explains why it was a shadow baby. Nothing can be fertilized in dusted bones.

To the Nation of Dorne where men are dead and women well have some issues.  
“Weak men will never rule Dorne again.” Ellaria Sand
On the surface this is a great thing. People standing up against a governing body that is not seen to be taking the people into consideration but then you realize she’s just pissed that her lover has died. Which now honestly he could have lived but no he had to make a frigging speech. Kill and be done with it. Use the flowery words after. His death was his own fault. Now his crazy lover is going to send the country into a war. You kill your king something that obviously works out well in Westeros and the heir.  Ellaria does not think.  This will not end well for them.  She may soon reunite with her lover.

A dwarf, eunuch and burning boats
                Fan favorite Tyrion is surviving and once again why the fans love him. He uses his head. He states what we all know. There is treachery all around. You have to seek it out. No one is trustworthy. Also if you don’t speak the language well someone will think you want to eat their baby. Always keep the eunuch by your side as people understand him better.  The harpy sons have decreed no one is getting out this town.

The Blind Girl, the Dragon girl and two dudes on the road.
                Yes I am lumping them all together because this have become wordy and I haven’t discussed the other shows. Arya’s blind and being taunted/trained. Dragon girl is still under the false assumption that she is someone that matters to everyone. Two dudes on the road well just a fun road trip of two men who like the same woman. One who will never have a shot and the other who well has taken his share.
Alright that’s pretty much all there is to the episode.
