So yeah I'm back and it's been some time since my last post. What has occurred in the world of lazy? Absolutely nothing.
Well maybe that's not true. Life is getting the way and tax season sucks.
Could mention the political climate but this is my escape from that 🌎.
What have I been doing?
Watching my tv programs, new ones beginning old ones ending. Purchasing pops when I should be building up my travel and comic con fund bank. That being said I purchased three more pops today.
Hi my name is Lazy and I'm a pop-aholic.
It's been three hours since my last binge.
In other news Josh Brolin is going to be Cable and I am not sure how I feel about that. It's not the casting choice I would have made. He's already Thanos. Not that is impossible to play multiple roles I just don't see him as Cable. Hopefully it turns out well.
What else.....
My Dutch is still shyte but I'm not giving up.
Oh yeah so Thor Ragnarok. We've all seen the trailer. Here it is again. Looks interesting.
Well my break is over back to work I go.
Later from Lazy
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