And a Happy New Year……

Howdy it’s Lazy Girl Nerd and this is my first blog post of the year which is fairly good for me.

Sure we’re nearly halfway through the month but come on let’s be honest I suck at being consistent with blogging.

2020 is a new year and I aim to .

Just kidding I aim to do better.

If only blogging was as easy as tweeting.

Actually that’s not a good idea either. I mean have you seen my twitter feed. Like yikes I’m sorry.

If you have not don’t do it to yourself.
Trust me.

So why have I decided to pick this back up again. Well it’s simple I’m forcing myself to do things I haven’t done and be consistent. That’s one of my biggest issues. Consistency and maybe effort.

So Happy New Year and welcome back to this space.

There will be far more to come.
I can promise that.

More content, more access and well more of this.
