Forever and a day

お久しぶり!  WOW it's been forever since I posted.  

Guess it only makes sense for me to start now since I'm stuck in the house because of Covid.

So hey let's introduce ourselves again.

Howdy, I am Lazygirlnerd also known as Kay.  

Mainly after one of my favorite Morning Musume members. 2 ki member Yasuda Kei. Yes I am that old. I absolutely adore Morning Musume. Yes I follow most of the members I really like on social media. Yes I am that kind of fan. Still kind of sad that I never got to see the OG members in concert. I mean I can feel comforted at having seen Hangry Angry so that was good.

Let's see.... what has happened since last post. Hmmm, oh yeah I'm still trying to learn Dutch and it's going..

Hallo, ik ben een meisje.  

2020 was a very stressful year, same with 2021. Just when you thought things were getting better and the world was opening up it didn't but I did make it to an in person comic con.

Anime NYC was actually amazing despite not really being able to enjoy it as much. If you are wondering why it's because walking was a pain when you break your kneecap.

IF you haven't been following me on Instagram you might not know that I am seriously playing mobile games that are silly. I love Zepeto and Lineplay I truly think those are my main posts. Ahh yes I've started gaming again semi properly with my Switch.  I got tired of getting beat by young children. Late comer to Breath of The Wild but I beat it. So YAY me! 

Currently playing Smash Bros.  Yeah still not good but getting better.  

We are still doing a podcast. Sadly not as frequent as I want with my co-hosts but who knows maybe that will change.  

Oh, sorry if this is coming out as a diary entry but my brain is all over the place.   

Anyhoo, that's pretty much it for now. I have a goal now of posting at least once a week even though life is sort of routine.  

Tot ziens.

Just another Kay. 


