Wednesday's World Crates

Technically it will be Thursday but hey I'm a procrastinator. 

Here is a little something about myself which I haven't shared. Come to think of it I haven't shared anything.  I love travelling. I hate staying in one place for too long but you always need a home base. It's nearing the end of the month and this can only mean new crates are available. 

I have resisted for quite some time to indulge mainly for lack of funds. Other reasons include there are too many crate deals. Lootcrate, Japan Crate, Kawaiibox, monthly crates for food, hair care, the list goes on and on. 
So I am finally taking the plunge mainly because Facebook keeps telling me to and you gotta listen to the Facebook. It's THE FACEBOOK.  

So which will it be? I've decided to expand my world one country at a time. Japan Crate it is although now that I say it maybe I should have gone with Kawaii Box. Well that's my nuttiness for the day. Let's see what happens when my box arrives. 
