In a day where we've received another really good Marvel/Netflix trailer I can only think of one thing that tops it. No not the impending snow storm to come through the North East by Thursday.
Did I mention Samurai Jack? I'm sure I haven't mentioned it.
Oh my gosh if you haven't seen the trailer here it is.
I cannot express just how happy I am to see this coming back on air.
"Leave here now and live. Stay face your destiny."
I will not lie I have not been the biggest fan of cartoons lately. I have become that old person saying "In my day". Now I can truly have something to look forward to. I will try not to hold this to the same standard as I did the original run of the show. Things change. Times change.
13 years! 13 friggin years since saved a baby boy. I will need to take a few days off and marathon the first four seasons.
I am keenly aware this is not the best of blog posts and maybe I will get better but my younger self has the biggest grin.
It might be something like this
Anyway that's my post for Samurai Jack!
I'm going to rewatch the trailer yet again. Maybe 50 times will be my limit.
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