So this is funny well not really funny but I constantly forget about this blog.
Can I be honest with you faceless internet void??????
I'm a chronic procrastinator and i should feel bad about that but I'm not. Maybe it's depression, maybe it's because I don't know what I want to say, maybe I am not someone who can commit to things.
Maybe my grade school teacher was correct Kay lacks focus.
Well any way why is this called drafts....
Because I have 14 posts sitting as drafts in here. 14!!!!! I haven't talked about Otaku Noir, Three Hokages Podcast, my trip to England, anything. 14 drafts from 2022.
What does that say about me as a blogger.... Hmm probably the same as it says for me as a podcaster.
Yes I am aware of the podcaster jokes, everyone has one. I do but it started as a way to be nerdy with my comic con dudes. Well that's a post for another time.
So no more drafts! I am going to hold myself accountable wonderful void. No more excuses I am going to be here!
Happy Sunday!
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