What do you want?

 So I'm watching Crystal Kay's Instagram live a few Monday's ago. 

The joy of teleworking while sick and she asked the question of what are your goals for the year?

Someone said read 100 books in a year! That is an amazing goal to have and it made me think. I haven't read a book in it's entirety all of Covid. Like my attention span has gotten so short. I can't even think of the last book I actually read. Within arms reach of the couch I am sitting on there 4 books that I have started over the past 3 years and haven't completed. 

Not just that, but my reading comprehension has dulled. I mean there is no easy way to say it but I feel like I've become dumber. Case in point one of the books I started reading was Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown by Anne Glennconner. 

Now I don't know if it's because I am super unfamiliar with British terms but like what's a peewit? What's a jackdaw, a plover, heck what's an Exeat?  It might not just be the difference in language but also something happens lately, possibly it's COVID fog but I sit and stare at the words and they just jumble. I might look at a page and all of sudden it's 20 minutes later and I'm on the same page? Is it just me? 


What's funny is I started this post early in the day and by the end of the night I've already read my first book.  Shockingly enough it was a children's book. 

Only the Best: The Exceptional Life and Fashion of Ann Lowe 

It was in a bag of books waiting to be donated but oops I read it.  It was honestly the best thing to get me reading. There is something so satisfying about reading a child's book. It brings you back to a simpler time, when reading for fun has no strings attached.
